ネットforシニア先日見学させて頂きました。お部屋の中は、おしゃれなBGMと清潔感のある内装で、まるでカフェのようでした。ひとりひとりの可能性を本人よりもあきらめないスタッフの方の熱い想いに、私も心動かされました。 常...先日見学させて頂きました。お部屋の中は、おしゃれなBGMと清潔感のある内装で、まるでカフェのようでした。ひとりひとりの可能性を本人よりもあきらめないスタッフの方の熱い想いに、私も心動かされました。
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I visited it the other day. The inside of the room had stylish background music and a clean interior, making it feel like a cafe. I was also moved by the passion of the staff who never gave up on each individual's potential.
All of the resident staff are qualified physical therapists, so I feel safe. I felt like I could continue working here with confidence. -
早川てるひこ施設を見学させていただき、スタッフの皆さんの対応が爽やかで明るく好感を持ちました。技術力も高く、脳卒中後の後遺症以外にパーキンソン病のリハビリも行っていることに驚きました。 もっと良く動きたい、リハ...施設を見学させていただき、スタッフの皆さんの対応が爽やかで明るく好感を持ちました。技術力も高く、脳卒中後の後遺症以外にパーキンソン病のリハビリも行っていることに驚きました。
(Translated by Google)
I toured the facility and was impressed by the refreshing and cheerful attitude of the staff. He has a high level of technical ability, and I was surprised to learn that in addition to the after-effects of a stroke, he also provides rehabilitation for Parkinson's disease.
I think it's perfect for people who want to move better and want to actively engage in rehabilitation.
Also, as a user, I felt that there was a shuttle service available. -
Toshiyuki Murakami2年前に脳出血で一時右半身麻痺になりました。 入院先の病院で最低限のリハビリを行い多少動く様になったがそこから先は面倒見てもらえず退院。 その後、ここが独立する前身場所で今のオーナーに見てもらい施術の...2年前に脳出血で一時右半身麻痺になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Two years ago, I suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and became temporarily paralyzed on the right side of my body.
At the hospital he was admitted to, he underwent minimal rehabilitation and was able to move somewhat, but was discharged from the hospital without being looked after.
After that, the current owner saw me at the predecessor location of the clinic, which became independent, and I was able to see the effects of each treatment, so I transferred with him when the clinic became independent.
The technique is reliable, and you can get the maximum effect not only immediately after the treatment, but also by asking for homework on methods that you can usually do by yourself.
This is the perfect environment for those who have the will to improve themselves.
I took the course at my own expense, and by setting homework each time, I have now regained some level of skiing and have recovered to the point where I can ride a bicycle.
Rehabilitation is still necessary to get back to performance, but for those who are working hard on their own, it gives them the best awareness, and they can correct the parts that are not in good shape, and use that feeling as a basis for daily training. You will be able to do it as if you were doing it yourself.
Once you take it, you'll understand.
It's clearly different from others, and I can feel that my body can still heal.
I think this is the best place for people who are having trouble deciding where to go and have the independent will to heal. -
J Oケアマネさんを対象とした勉強会を企画した際に快く講師を引き受けて下さり、懐の広さに感激しました。打ち合わせの段階から、いろいろな案を頂き、考えを知り、一人一人と真剣に向き合っていらっしゃると感じま...ケアマネさんを対象とした勉強会を企画した際に快く講師を引き受けて下さり、懐の広さに感激しました。打ち合わせの段階から、いろいろな案を頂き、考えを知り、一人一人と真剣に向き合っていらっしゃると感じました。
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When we planned a study session for care managers, he kindly agreed to teach, and I was very impressed with his openness. From the initial meeting stage, I received a variety of ideas, got to know their thoughts, and felt that they were seriously working with each and every one of them.
Serapico values the various ``melting of boundaries''. We hope that this activity will continue to spread from Sagamihara! -
たは千葉県で自費リハビリサービスを行っているものです。 脳卒中(脳梗塞や脳出血)の方のリハビリを見学させていただきました。 利用者さんの生活をより良くしていきたいという思いがヒシヒシと伝わってくるリハビ...千葉県で自費リハビリサービスを行っているものです。
リハビリに特化して、よりお体の改善をめざしたい方は理学療法士から見てもオススメです! -
hir********療法士向けの勉強会に参加しております。 施術の技術は高く、少人数制なので、質の良い内容で大変楽しく有意義です。療法士向けの勉強会に参加しております。
施術の技術は高く、少人数制なので、質の良い内容で大変楽しく有意義です。 -
今後もよろしくお願いします。 -
Manoオーダーメイドリハビリ埼玉で自費リハビリを行っているものです。 先日、代表の小曽根様のご好意で施設の見学をさせて頂きました。 リハビリ力があることは、以前から存じておりました。 しかし、環境によってはその能力を発揮できない...埼玉で自費リハビリを行っているものです。
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He is undergoing rehabilitation at his own expense in Saitama.
The other day, Mr. Ozone, the representative, kindly allowed me to tour the facility.
We have known for a long time that it has rehabilitation power.
However, I know of many facilities that are unable to demonstrate their capabilities depending on the environment.
From the perspective of self-financed rehabilitation, Serapico's facility has an individualized environment where it is easy to express individuality and an environment where it is easy to bring out the maximum potential of the users.
In addition, the day service is designed for people with strokes and intractable neurological diseases, and I was impressed by the space and time considerations that have been taken to bring out the best in the people who come to the facility.From a therapist's perspective, I was impressed.
It is rare to find an environment where you can have a detailed space and receive personalized attention.
I also had the opportunity to observe the treatment provided by the staff, and found that rather than relying on machines, they provide individualized manual intervention.
This shows the high level of staff.
I learned a lot from seeing Serapico's homepage about their idea of saving rehabilitated refugees and how they are creatively trying to make it a reality.
This initiative is one of the most advanced in Japan!
If you are worried about rehabilitation, I think you will be able to experience the benefits once you visit! -
金井喜彦今まで筋力を上げれば失調症はコントロール出来ると思っていましたが、セラピコで施術してみて失調症が軽減され、楽になりました! 一度、体験だけでもしてみる価値はあると思います。 障害を克服したいと思ってい...今まで筋力を上げれば失調症はコントロール出来ると思っていましたが、セラピコで施術してみて失調症が軽減され、楽になりました!
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I used to think that I could control my ataxia by increasing my muscle strength, but after using Therapico, my ataxia was reduced and I felt better!
I think it's worth trying just to experience it once.
I recommend it to anyone who wants to overcome obstacles!
Also, if I had to be greedy, I would like them to do something about tiling the entrance... -
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Thank you for your support since the opening. After I was discharged from the hospital from a stroke, I didn't know how to proceed with rehabilitation, so I received comprehensive advice not only about my body, but also about braces and returning to work, which was really helpful. All therapists are highly skilled. Thanks to the rehabilitation menu and advice given from the patient's point of view, I am now on track to return to work!
I believe it has become a place where there is no barrier between rehabilitation therapists and patients, and patients can also benefit from their experience and knowledge.
Thank you as always. -
Ito Hiroshiこのリハビリセンターは、脳出血のリハビリに特化した素晴らしい施設です。スタッフは専門的で、個々のニーズに合わせたケアプランを提供してくれます。最新の機器と技術を駆使し、安心してリハビリを受けること...このリハビリセンターは、脳出血のリハビリに特化した素晴らしい施設です。スタッフは専門的で、個々のニーズに合わせたケアプランを提供してくれます。最新の機器と技術を駆使し、安心してリハビリを受けることができました。施設も清潔感があり、アットホームな雰囲気が魅力的です。リハビリの重要性を実感しながら、前向きに取り組むことができました。ぜひ、多くの方におすすめしたいです。
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This rehabilitation center is an excellent facility specializing in cerebral hemorrhage rehabilitation. Our staff is professional and will provide you with a care plan tailored to your individual needs. Using the latest equipment and technology, I was able to undergo rehabilitation with peace of mind. The facility is clean and has a homely atmosphere. I was able to move forward while realizing the importance of rehabilitation. I would definitely recommend it to many people. -
村松真哉腰痛歴50年男性。これまで健康保険対応のもの、そうではないもの、あれこれ調べては施術を受け、施術者の技量についてもわかるようになってきました。(飲食で言えば「舌が肥える」ということでしょうか) 一般...腰痛歴50年男性。これまで健康保険対応のもの、そうではないもの、あれこれ調べては施術を受け、施術者の技量についてもわかるようになってきました。(飲食で言えば「舌が肥える」ということでしょうか)
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A man with a history of lower back pain for 50 years. Up until now, I have researched various treatments, including those that are covered by health insurance and those that are not, and have come to understand the skills of the practitioners. (In terms of eating and drinking, does this mean that your tongue becomes fat?)
Generally speaking, there seems to be a certain pattern to how people touch the body, but Dr. Ozone's approach was something I had never experienced before. (No burden or discomfort at all)
In addition, it's a fun and easy-to-understand explanation of what it means to keep your body in good shape, so it's an eye-opening experience for your brain as well.
If you are having trouble resolving your long-standing body and mind problems, please come and visit us! -
恵先日は、施設見学でお世話になりました。 施設内は、きちんと整理されており、おしゃれな空間であり、癒しもありで素敵な空間です。 時間の使い方や空間の使い方など、効率よく動かれているように感じました。ご...先日は、施設見学でお世話になりました。
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The other day, I took a tour of the facility.
The inside of the facility is well-organized, stylish, and relaxing.
I felt like I was being efficient in how I used my time and space. The users were moving smoothly and I got the impression that they were undergoing rehabilitation with a purpose.
I asked a lot of questions, and they answered them properly, and I was able to convey the teachers' thoughts. Thank you for your valuable time! -
渡部幸司落ち着いた雰囲気で、スタッフも明るく、すてきな施設でした。 (Translated by Google) It was a nice facility with a calm atmosphere and cheerful staff.落ち着いた雰囲気で、スタッフも明るく、すてきな施設でした。
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It was a nice facility with a calm atmosphere and cheerful staff. -
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Due to my good fortune, I am giving yoga lessons at Serapico. Our representative, Mr. Ozone, not only has a wealth of knowledge and experience, but more than that, he has a good eye for society and people. From the first time we met, they listened to me carefully, valued my thoughts, and supported my activities. It's a wonderful place where staff members are highly motivated. -
佐藤萌菜脳卒中(脳出血・脳梗塞)の方のリハビリ見学をさせていただきました! 利用者様のニーズを大切にされており、代表のリハビリ技術と人柄に感動しました! 利用者様も機能の改善を実感しており、何より楽しそうに...脳卒中(脳出血・脳梗塞)の方のリハビリ見学をさせていただきました!
(Translated by Google)
We had the opportunity to observe the rehabilitation of a person who had suffered a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage/infarction)!
He values the needs of his users, and I was impressed by his rehabilitation skills and personality!
The users also felt that their functions had improved, and above all, they seemed to be enjoying their rehabilitation.
As a fellow physical therapist, I learned a lot!
Also, the attached day facility is staffed with one-on-one rehabilitation by skilled rehabilitation staff, and I felt that they specialize in functional improvement!
All the staff were very kind and I visited from Chiba, but it was a great learning experience!
From a physical therapist's point of view, this is a highly recommended facility! !
Thank you so much! -
石川親身に装具対応をしていただきました。 回復段階、慢性期問わず、脳卒中を患った方への機能回復の治療技術は一流だと思います。 (Translated by Google) They kindly helped me with the braces. I believe that...親身に装具対応をしていただきました。
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They kindly helped me with the braces.
I believe that his treatment techniques for restoring function for stroke survivors, whether in the recovery stage or chronic stage, are top-notch. -
たく「リハビリ難民をなくす」ことを共に目指し、研鑽させていただいています。ボバースの見地に立った質の高いセラピーが受けられます。これからも相模原のリハビリの大樹を育てていきましょう! (Translated by Go...「リハビリ難民をなくす」ことを共に目指し、研鑽させていただいています。ボバースの見地に立った質の高いセラピーが受けられます。これからも相模原のリハビリの大樹を育てていきましょう!
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We are working hard together with the aim of "eliminating the number of rehabilitation refugees." You can receive high-quality therapy from Bobath's perspective. Let's continue to grow the great tree of rehabilitation in Sagamihara! -
三浦美枝靴難民 中敷き調整 開張足による足裏のトラブルがあり、靴の中敷を作ってもらうため体験会に参加しました。 理学療法士の先生に歩き方と足裏の状態を見てもらい、使われていない足の指などを確認して中敷きにパ...靴難民 中敷き調整
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Shoe refugee insole adjustment
I was having trouble with the soles of my feet due to splayed feet, so I attended a trial session to have insoles made for my shoes.
I asked a physical therapist to check the way I walk and the condition of the soles of my feet, check the toes that aren't being used, and put pads on the insoles.
This insole is not meant to lift up fallen arches.
The idea is to fine-tune the padding in millimeter increments to elicit minute muscle movements and normalize the way you walk.
After having the insoles adjusted, I watched a video of my walking condition and noticed that there was a change in the way my feet landed, and when I was walking, I was able to put my weight on the entire sole of my feet, making it easier to walk.
Walking is always a part of our daily lives, so I thought the idea of moving small muscles during everyday walking and conditioning the soles of the feet through walking was very innovative. Being able to heal foot problems on my own without relying on shoes or insoles was a welcome discovery for shoe refugees.
Thank you very much 😊 -
小嶋英和いつも関わらせて頂いてる者ですが、セラピコの職員さん皆さん大変明るく、心地よい環境だと思っております。 今の病院では対応しきれないリハビリを提供してるとおもいます。 (Translated by Google) As someon...いつも関わらせて頂いてる者ですが、セラピコの職員さん皆さん大変明るく、心地よい環境だと思っております。
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As someone who is always involved, I think that all the staff at Serapico are very cheerful and it's a comfortable environment.
I believe that we provide rehabilitation that cannot be provided by current hospitals. -
海野真広実際の自費リハビリの臨床場面を見学させて頂いております。代表の臨床からは、技術だけではなく、利用者様への向き合い方、セラピストとしての立ち振る舞いを学ばせて頂いております。 (Translated by Google) ...実際の自費リハビリの臨床場面を見学させて頂いております。代表の臨床からは、技術だけではなく、利用者様への向き合い方、セラピストとしての立ち振る舞いを学ばせて頂いております。
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We are able to observe actual clinical scenes of self-financed rehabilitation. From my clinical work as a representative, I have learned not only techniques, but also how to deal with clients and how to behave as a therapist. -
いとあ股関節や足首の硬さ、それに伴う膝や身体全般の痛みや違和感について、幅広く相談に乗っていただきました! こういった場所では日頃の症状をなるべくもれなく正確に伝えようとしすぎてしまうタイプなのですが、"...股関節や足首の硬さ、それに伴う膝や身体全般の痛みや違和感について、幅広く相談に乗っていただきました!
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We received a wide range of consultations regarding the stiffness of the hip joints and ankles, and the resulting pain and discomfort in the knees and body in general!
In these places, I'm the type of person who tries too hard to accurately convey all my daily symptoms, but instead of saying things are good or bad, I'm the type of person who tries too hard to explain my daily symptoms as accurately as possible. I felt very relieved when the time was accurately captured.
I can feel the daily effort and deep knowledge in the peaceful atmosphere, and I have been recommending this place to my family and friends since I feel like this is the place to get important physical examinations lol. -
りょうへいはらだ脳卒中(脳梗塞や脳出血)の方のリハビリを見学させていただきました。 利用者さんの生活をより良くしていきたいという思いがヒシヒシと伝わってくるリハビリでした。 脳卒中の方は退院後どのように生活していく...脳卒中(脳梗塞や脳出血)の方のリハビリを見学させていただきました。
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I observed the rehabilitation of people who had suffered a stroke (cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage).
It was a rehabilitation facility where the desire to improve the lives of the users was clearly felt.
People who have had a stroke may be worried about how they will continue to live after being discharged from the hospital.
We have high hopes that this facility will help rehabilitate refugees in the Hashimoto, Sagamihara, and Machida areas.
Additionally, the current situation is that it is difficult to guarantee the quantity and quality of day care, day services, and home-visit rehabilitation covered by long-term care insurance due to insurance considerations.
However, the system was very devised so that it could specialize in rehabilitation as much as possible.
If you want to specialize in rehabilitation and aim to improve your body, we are recommended by physical therapists! -
Ky Mi膝が痛かった時に伺いました。 膝痛なのにリハビリ??と思い半信半疑でしたが、施術時に体の使い方や歩き方のコツなども教えてもらい、現在はほとんど痛まなくなりました。 自分の体の使い方のクセなどもわかり...膝が痛かった時に伺いました。
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I came here when my knee was hurting.
Rehabilitation for knee pain? ? I was skeptical, but during the treatment I was given tips on how to use my body and how to walk, and now I hardly feel any pain.
It was great because I was able to understand the habits in how I use my body and learn how to use it correctly! -
T N3回ほど通わせていただきました。代表は笑顔が似合いとても気さくな方で、何でも相談しやすい人です。リハビリ前に今の状況や体の状態など詳しく聞いてくれて、技術や知識も豊富で、帰るころには体も心も軽くな...3回ほど通わせていただきました。代表は笑顔が似合いとても気さくな方で、何でも相談しやすい人です。リハビリ前に今の状況や体の状態など詳しく聞いてくれて、技術や知識も豊富で、帰るころには体も心も軽くなります。リハビリだけではなく、今使っている装具や患者のクセなど、終わってからもいろいろとアドバイスをくれたり、患者さんの悩みなども親身になって話を聞いてくれます。保険がきかないため、割高ではありますが、それ以上にここには通って行きたいと思える良い場所だと思う。評価星5でもおかしくありませんが、これからの期待も込めて、今は星4にしてます。
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I went there about 3 times. The representative is a very friendly person with a nice smile and is easy to talk to about anything. Before the rehabilitation, he asked me about my current situation and physical condition in detail, and he has a wealth of techniques and knowledge, so by the time I go home, I feel lighter both physically and mentally. Not only does he provide rehabilitation, but even after the rehabilitation is complete, he gives advice on things like the braces currently being used and the patient's habits, and listens to the patient's concerns in a friendly manner. It's expensive because insurance doesn't cover it, but I think it's a good place that you'll want to go to. It wouldn't be strange to give it a 5 star rating, but I'm giving it a 4 star rating now as I have high hopes for the future. -
伊藤朝日診てもらうことでからだの仕組みと自分のからだの状態を知る良い機会となりました。 (Translated by Google) Being examined was a good opportunity to learn about the body's mechanisms and the condition o...診てもらうことでからだの仕組みと自分のからだの状態を知る良い機会となりました。
(Translated by Google)
Being examined was a good opportunity to learn about the body's mechanisms and the condition of my body. -
勇士白土代表の小曽根さんは、経験を積み高い技術力を身につけても自己研鑽に励む、最高のセラピストです。また、素敵な笑顔や優しさは周りの人を惹きつけます。 同じセラピストとして一度治療を受ける事をオススメします...代表の小曽根さんは、経験を積み高い技術力を身につけても自己研鑽に励む、最高のセラピストです。また、素敵な笑顔や優しさは周りの人を惹きつけます。
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Our representative, Mr. Ozone, is an excellent therapist who continues to strive for self-improvement even though he has accumulated experience and acquired high technical skills. Also, your beautiful smile and kindness attract the people around you.
We recommend that you receive treatment from the same therapist once. If you receive treatment, I think you will be able to experience the high level of technical ability. -
Yukiko Koizumi療法士向けの勉強会に参加しています。 日頃の臨床での疑問を持ち寄り、それに対する介入方法を教えてくれるので、すぐに現場に活かすことが出来ます。 少人数でオーダーメイドの勉強会は分かりやすく有り難いで...療法士向けの勉強会に参加しています。
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Participating in a study session for therapists.
We will bring you your daily clinical questions and teach you how to intervene, so you can immediately put them to use in the field.
I am grateful for the small group and custom-made study sessions that are easy to understand.